This taco soup is healthy and delicious. It was a recipe i just threw together one day with what I had in the house, and now we eat it regularly.
First sautee a small or medium onion in 1 tbl of vegetable oil, and 2 large cloves of minced or pressed garlic.
Add 1 box of Pacific, free range Chicken Broth
1 can of black beans, rinsed
2 cans of water from the bean can
1 can of diced tomatoes, or 2 cups fresh chopped
1/2 cup of frozen corn
Optional 1-2 grilled and chopped chicken
Your favorite taco spices, I like
1 tsp chili powder
1/2 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp lime basil
bring all ingredients to a nice boil then reduce the heat and add
2 mashed avocados, I use a fork and rake it then scoop it out
lime juice, about 4-5 limes worth
Once all ingredients are added stir it up and serve. Do not cook the avocados or they will get mushy and brown. They simply need to be heated. I like to serve it with fresh cilantro, crushed corn chips and plain yogurt or sour cream. Enjoy!
Why this recipe is great
Beans: Beans are high in fiber and protein
Chicken Broth: Pacific chicken broth has no MSG, I highly recommend this brand for that reason
Avocados: High in healthy fats
Limes: Limes are alkalizing to the body and key to the great taste of this soup.
Oct 21, 2010
Oct 12, 2010
BEWARE: Hidden Sugar Everywhere
There are sugars hidden in plain sight in a majority of prepackaged foods. Even those you wouldn't suspect, like whole wheat bread, or chips or pasta sauces. You may be getting a lot more refined sugar in your diet than you would have ever imagined. You don't have to eat a candy bar to get a large helping of sugar. Our bodies were not made to use the massive amounts of refined carbohydrate that this generation consumes. This is largely the reason for the unusual type 2 diabetes (adult onset) in children and young adults.
I watch in horror as other parents give their kids a "homemade" and "nutritious" lunch that is mostly sugar. They think they are being such responsible parents when in reality they are just ignorant to what is really in that food. It's not their fault entirely, they have been mislead by food companies.
Big fast food restaurants claim to have better choices, but I see hidden sugar and fat, like in the huge packages of salad dressing, or the caramel dip for apple slices. Ignorance is not bliss when it comes to your health and preventing disease. Be aware of what you eat and what you are feeding your children and family. Read labels and know what you are looking for. Here are some of the basics in sugar-ology.
There are about 4.2 grams per teaspoon of sugar
There is one gram of carbohydrate in one gram of sugar
To maintain healthy blood glucose levels for the average person, you should not eat more than 30-45 grams of carbohydrates in a meal.
A popular fast food restaurant serves apples and milk on the side of a hamburger as a more healthy alternative to fries and soda. The apples come with a caramel dip and the milk is chocolate. The entire meal consists of 43 grams of sugar... that is over 10 teaspoons of sugar and over 80 grams of carbohydrates.
Lets compare this to the diligent mom who sent a lunch to school-
Peanut butter and Jelly sandwich, juice box, chips and fruit roll up. 55 Grams of sugar. That is over 12.6 teaspoons of sugar. That is over 2.6 times the amount of carbohydrate an adult should eat in one meal, 118 grams!
When we are children all of our organs work very well. Our bodies have no problems tackling the high amounts of sugar we feed our kids. But as we age, we wear out our organs and our cells don't repair quite as fast. The super high amounts of sugar we eat can break down our pancreas, which handles blood sugar levels. The body needs sugar but not huge surges of refined sugars. We are creating a diabetic atmosphere in a person that does not have diabetes. People with diabetes cannot create enough insulin for their body to handle all of the sugar they eat, their blood sugar can get very high and stay very high. Having constantly high blood sugar causes heart disease, vision loss, nerve damage, kidney damage and more.
The best way to avoid a lot of sugar is to make your own meals, and stay away from prepackaged foods. They are always loaded up with excess sugar. Stay away from refined flours as well. Refined flours may not taste like sugar but they might as well be since they are quickly converted to sugar in our bodies. Also stay away from white rice, and other high carbohydrate foods, that are not also full of protein or fiber. When carbohydrates and sugars are bound in natural form to the fiber in fruits and vegetables they take our body much longer to convert them to sugars. This slow process keeps our bodies from receiving a huge surge of sugar in the blood. Read labels and be aware of what you are feeding your children and putting in your own mouth!
Oh, and please DONT replace sugar with chemical sweeteners! Replace them with fruit!
Just for fun: Frightening ad by sugar companies, when artificial sugars first came on the market.
I watch in horror as other parents give their kids a "homemade" and "nutritious" lunch that is mostly sugar. They think they are being such responsible parents when in reality they are just ignorant to what is really in that food. It's not their fault entirely, they have been mislead by food companies.
Big fast food restaurants claim to have better choices, but I see hidden sugar and fat, like in the huge packages of salad dressing, or the caramel dip for apple slices. Ignorance is not bliss when it comes to your health and preventing disease. Be aware of what you eat and what you are feeding your children and family. Read labels and know what you are looking for. Here are some of the basics in sugar-ology.
There are about 4.2 grams per teaspoon of sugar
There is one gram of carbohydrate in one gram of sugar
To maintain healthy blood glucose levels for the average person, you should not eat more than 30-45 grams of carbohydrates in a meal.
A popular fast food restaurant serves apples and milk on the side of a hamburger as a more healthy alternative to fries and soda. The apples come with a caramel dip and the milk is chocolate. The entire meal consists of 43 grams of sugar... that is over 10 teaspoons of sugar and over 80 grams of carbohydrates.
Lets compare this to the diligent mom who sent a lunch to school-
Peanut butter and Jelly sandwich, juice box, chips and fruit roll up. 55 Grams of sugar. That is over 12.6 teaspoons of sugar. That is over 2.6 times the amount of carbohydrate an adult should eat in one meal, 118 grams!
When we are children all of our organs work very well. Our bodies have no problems tackling the high amounts of sugar we feed our kids. But as we age, we wear out our organs and our cells don't repair quite as fast. The super high amounts of sugar we eat can break down our pancreas, which handles blood sugar levels. The body needs sugar but not huge surges of refined sugars. We are creating a diabetic atmosphere in a person that does not have diabetes. People with diabetes cannot create enough insulin for their body to handle all of the sugar they eat, their blood sugar can get very high and stay very high. Having constantly high blood sugar causes heart disease, vision loss, nerve damage, kidney damage and more.
The best way to avoid a lot of sugar is to make your own meals, and stay away from prepackaged foods. They are always loaded up with excess sugar. Stay away from refined flours as well. Refined flours may not taste like sugar but they might as well be since they are quickly converted to sugar in our bodies. Also stay away from white rice, and other high carbohydrate foods, that are not also full of protein or fiber. When carbohydrates and sugars are bound in natural form to the fiber in fruits and vegetables they take our body much longer to convert them to sugars. This slow process keeps our bodies from receiving a huge surge of sugar in the blood. Read labels and be aware of what you are feeding your children and putting in your own mouth!
Oh, and please DONT replace sugar with chemical sweeteners! Replace them with fruit!
Just for fun: Frightening ad by sugar companies, when artificial sugars first came on the market.
Sep 28, 2010
Colostrum: Milk secreted for a few days after parturition and characterized by high protein and antibody content.
Transfer Factor: A substance that is produced and secreted by a lymphocyte functioning in cell-mediated immunity and that upon incorporation into a lymphocyte which has not been sensitized confers on it the same immunological specificity as the sensitized cell.
In this case the "substance" being transferred is the "antibody content".
I have suffered health problems since I was very young. About 13 years old. Some of them are personal. As of a few years back, if doctors had their way, I would be medicated now for anxiety, insomnia, infertility, panic attacks, fibromyalgia and poly-cystic ovarian syndrome. I decided I didn't want to be reliant on a bunch of medications that had serious side affects and that I wanted to heal my body from the inside out through natural means. Might sound "hippy-ish" but it has worked for me. I started this "journey" about 5 years ago and as of today do not take a single medication for any of the above problems (though I am not 100% symptom free) and have two children without any fertility intervention. With that said, I have become addicted to health research in the pursuit of a new idea or fact that may in someway bring me or a loved one greater health. When I find a subject that interests me I literally read up on it until I am blue in the face, usually over a course of days to weeks. NO breaks! Just kidding. Some breaks. This includes reading about it from EVERY angle. Those who are for and those who oppose, coming to my own conclusion based on my findings. If I find I am for, I TRY what I have researched so I can come to a true conclusion based on personal experience. With that said, sit back and enjoy this post. I have done all the leg work for you on this one. Then, in the end, if you find this interests you I suggest you research it for yourself and then for heaven's sake! TRY IT! LOL. No, I am not getting paid for this by any one company and I am not crazy. If you know me at all, trust me on this and if you don't know me at all...still trust me on this.
A few months back I stumbled across an article about the "transfer factor". In short it spoke about how new research has shed light on a long running mystery, how the immunity of a mammal mother was transferred to its young through colostrum. Colostrum is a yellowy, milk that a female mammal secretes the first few days after birth. It is full of antibodies and protein rich! It literally transfers the immunity of the mother that took a lifetime to build to the new offspring, who at present has no real immunity of its own. The newest findings are no less than very interesting. The actual "transfer" is done through very small protein particles that bypass the digestive system and are absorbed into the blood stream of the offspring. Even more interesting was found that supplementing adults with bovine colostrum not only transfers perfectly from cow to human but that it gives to us that same immunity transfer...per say. What it actually seems to do is almost provide you with a secondary immune system, making yours more than its own strength maybe by double if not more.
What I read also spoke about how many people have benefited from this supplement. I was more than intrigued. So began the hours of reading. For weeks on this one. LOL. I wanted to know how humans could take bovine colostrum and it be useful? What happens if you have milk allergies? What is the best brand? Is it free of hormones and steroids and antibiotics? How much should you take? What do most people find relief from? Do you take it forever? Once? Twice? How are the cattle kept and cared for?
I found answers to all of these questions and more. Sometimes they were contradictory and sometimes they were in agreement from site to site. I read through hundreds of forums to get the input from others who have actually tried the supplement.
Through all my research I learned the following facts:
Bovine colostrum is transferable to any species. You can give it to your dog, horse, self, child or whoever.
Most people have had very good to amazing results taking colostrum.
The number one reason colostrum is taken by people is to boost their immune system.
Colostrum has actually been taken by body builders for its great protein content for years. And yes, they did reap the other benefits such as better immunity while taking it for muscle power.
Colostrum that is collected from cattle in your home country will probably have better immunity to things you are most likely to be in contact with so look for USA colostrum if you live in the USA etc.
Calves are fed the first milking which has more than enough of what they need to be on the road to great health from mothers immunity so don't worry for the calves!
Most colostrum on the market is hormone, steroid and antibiotic free. In fact I don't remember looking into any brands that weren't.
There is such a huge margin of opinion on the topic of "organic" from farm to farm that I felt "organic" colostrum wasn't necessary for my needs. It is harder to find and more expensive.
Colostrum isn't cheap. I wouldn't say it is a terribly expensive supplement either.
There are many brands and types from capsules to powder to chewables.
You want to be sure to buy a brand that says it is made from the first one to two milkings. Anything after is transitional milk and won't have the same benefits.
If your colostrum is not yellow, it isn't good. If it is white that means it is more milk than colostrum.
Some brands have the fat removed, others do not. They both claim to have the "best" I am personally trying multiple brands and types to see.
The lactose from the colostrum is removed so there are no allergy concerns.
You can not really overdose on colostrum.
You may experience a few days of feeling flu-ish when you begin taking colostrum. You may even develop a rash. This is just the bodies reaction to excreting toxins when your immunity is strengthened.
Here are a few things I learned AFTER taking colostrum:
Colostrum should be taken on an empty stomach with a glass of water for best absorption. Wait about a half hour before you eat.
Colostrum tastes like powdered milk. I do not find it gross in any way.
Colostrum works best when taken multiple times a day.
Colostrum WORKS!
Here is my personal experience:
I started with a brand that had all the things I was looking for. De-fatted, no steroids/chemicals/hormones/antibiotics, no fillers added, first milking, USA cattle. I began with four pills in the morning. The first few days I did feel a little under the weather. Mostly my throat ached. Then I would say about a week into taking it I suddenly noticed I had SO much more energy than I usually do. I have chronic fatigue quite often and so something like that would be very noticeable to me...and it was. I felt like I could go and go and go and that little ordinary things weren't so daunting exercising and getting the house in order. I feel like it brought strength to my body as well as my mind. At this time I have been suffering from very bad allergies. I was really hoping the colostrum would help as so many others I had read about said it did. The first week or so I always felt some allergies there. Not enough to merit medications but still annoying. Especially at night. Then I ran out. I had a full day without colostrum. And that day I had the WORST allergies. I was SO miserable. So my thoughts were...coincidence? Or was it holding my allergies off more than I realized? Well, the next day when I got my new bottle and started taking them again...that very day...allergies were SO much better. Not coincidence. About this time I learned that you really should take it more than once a day. It does build up your system over time but it also has a lifespan so you will want to replenish it in your system through out the day for best results. So I decided to take two pills in the morning and two in the late afternoon to see what happened. WHA-LA! NO allergies...during the day. But some mild ones at night. I had read not to take colostrum past 5pm because the energy factor in it might give you insomnia...but I decided to try anyhow. So I took two pills in the morning, two in the mid afternoon and a 1/2 tsp of powder around 5pm and DOUBLE WHA-LA! No allergies during the day or night!...Okay...very mild ones...almost undetectable. So I had read to take colostrum in the amount it takes to rid your symptoms. So I decided to try THREE pills in the morning, two in the afternoon and a 1/2 tsp in the evening. AND YES, TRIPLE WHA-LA! NO...NO ALLERGIES DAY OR NIGHT. I am literally amazed. I am even around my horses everyday. Around their hay (my biggest allergy nemesis) and loads of dry dust and not a sneeze or sniff.
I have been taking colostrum about 5-6 weeks now. Between the energy boost, eradicated allergies AND I have not gotten two separate illnesses that my kids and husband have...I am sold. I have tried two brands myself and have a sister trying a third for results. I have tried two de-fatted brands that I felt had the same results and my sister is trying a brand with the fat left in (which many claim is the best). Maybe she will leave a response of her experience thus far.
I seriously recommend to EVERYONE to try this. Just try one months worth. Whether you have arthritis, chronic sinus issues, allergies, fatigue, poor immunity, chronic pain or ANYTHING...try it. As we age our immune systems do too and slow down as well. You may not even realize how much better you might feel unless you give it a go! I will attach links to sites with further information and the brands I felt were superior.
I will continue to use it myself to see what results I continue to see as it builds my system back up. That is all for now! Cheers!
(For more, do a general web search on "colostrum".)
(For more, do a general web search on "colostrum supplements".)
Jun 18, 2010
Could Your Fatigue, Muddled Brain and Extra Weight be a Thyroid Problem?
Since before I even knew I was pregnant with my second baby, I started to put on weight. It was around Thanksgiving so I thought nothing of it. Then I found out I was pregnant and so I still thought nothing of it. I went to see my Nurse/Midwife. I was telling her all about how I thought my blood sugar must be too high or too low because I felt weird all the time. She checked my thyroid. I'ts part of the standard blood tests they do when you first get pregnant. My TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) was very high. When your brain think your thyroid isn't producing enough hormone, your pituitary makes TSH to tell the thyroid to work harder. I started the medication and started to feel worse. What I and my inexperienced midwife did not know at the time, was that you have to be slowly introduced to the medication. I couldn't get out of bed. It made me feel like I was half dead! I was not sleepy and I was not fatigued I just had no life in me. This is a common feeling for extreme hypo or hyper thyroid sufferers. Eventually my body adjusted to the medication levels, but it took a long time, until my last trimester. So, I gained a lot of weight. I never went over the recommended weight gain but it was more then I had ever weighed before. After the baby came I suffered from fatigue from previous months of inactivity. My muscles were so weak I could barely do simple exercises like squats or push-ups. Then I suffered months of postpartum depression. My milk supply started to dry up around 5 months. My baby cried all the time with hunger and was not thriving. So I put him on formula and within days I started to feel better. I was on an "appropriate" level of medication, according to the medical professionals. The sugar detox diet I started probably didn't help. (this was under the recommendation of my doctor) Then I started to gain weight again! It took me a few months to figure it out this time. I was counting calories, eating right and exercising and still slowly gaining. Frustrated I went to my doctor and had my thyroid checked and sure enough my medication was too low. Now I am the long road to loosing that weight again. But at least this time it is coming off and I'm not so tired anymore. Here are the symptoms of hypothyroid you may notice:
Difficulty in swallowing
Cool skin
Excessively dry skin
Low blood pressure
Significant fatigue not related exercise or lack of sleep
Chronic recurrent infections
Brittle nails
Mood swings of anxiety, panic or phobia
Weight gain
Acne and more
If you have some or all these symptoms (as many as 1 in 3 American adults have a thyroid condition) and your doctor has done a T4 or T3 test that is showing normal, you need to find a doctor that will run a full thyroid panel or at least a TSH test. Sometimes it is more complicated then just having low T4 or T3. There are many aspects to how your thyroid functions and effects your body. It is important to have a full picture of what may be the problem. If you would like to read about thyroid conditions in more depth I would recommend the book, "Thyroid Power" by Richard L. Shames and Karilee Halo Shames.
Difficulty in swallowing
Cool skin
Excessively dry skin
Low blood pressure
Significant fatigue not related exercise or lack of sleep
Chronic recurrent infections
Brittle nails
Mood swings of anxiety, panic or phobia
Weight gain
Acne and more
If you have some or all these symptoms (as many as 1 in 3 American adults have a thyroid condition) and your doctor has done a T4 or T3 test that is showing normal, you need to find a doctor that will run a full thyroid panel or at least a TSH test. Sometimes it is more complicated then just having low T4 or T3. There are many aspects to how your thyroid functions and effects your body. It is important to have a full picture of what may be the problem. If you would like to read about thyroid conditions in more depth I would recommend the book, "Thyroid Power" by Richard L. Shames and Karilee Halo Shames.
May 17, 2010
BPA Free Containers and too Much Estrogen
BPA is an Estrogen like Chemical that comes from hard plastic. Plastics with BPA are used to line cans, make bottles and other plastic food and beverage containers. Have you noticed BPA Free labels on many products lately? That is because the FDA is concerned that it may be causing or contributing to hear disease, Prostate Problems, Erectile dysfunction and breast cancer! I don't put much faith in the FDA, but if they are scared... I'm scared. Here are some tips to avoid BPA contact.
1. Use glass. Use glass in the microwave. Heating the plastic just makes it ooze BPA on your food ( and who knows what else.)
2. Never drink a water bottle that has been left in a hot car.
3. Look for specific BPA FREE labels when buying kids cups, bottles and dishes.
4. Don't buy canned food. Eat fresh, healthy unadulterated food. These are lower in sodium, have no MSG and are full of vitamins anyway. Even frozen vegetables can be a great alternative. They are picked super ripe and fresh and frozen immediately, therefore preserving the vitamins and benefits.
Extra estrogen in the body can cause a whole host of health problems including weight gain, migraines, fluid retention, high blood pressure, fatigue, aging skin, thinning hair, fluid retention, PMS, low libido, muscle aches and pains, memory fogginess, fibroids, endometriosis, depression, fibrocystic breasts and miscarriage. The more serious, life-threatening conditions of estrogen excess are: reproductive cancers, strokes, blood clots, compromised immune system, toxic livers, gall bladder disease, auto-immune diseases (lupus, MS, rheumatoid arthritis), glucose intolerance, pancreatitis, and interfering with the uptake of thyroid hormones.♥ Both MEN and women can have to much estrogen and have these symptoms. If you have many or some of these symptoms there are things you can do. Avoid BPA, eat organic food (there are estrogen type chemicals in pesticides as well), loose weight (fat cells create even more estrogen) and avoid soy products (soy contains an estrogen like chemical). Those tips are a good start to controlling your estrogen related health problems.
1. Use glass. Use glass in the microwave. Heating the plastic just makes it ooze BPA on your food ( and who knows what else.)
2. Never drink a water bottle that has been left in a hot car.
3. Look for specific BPA FREE labels when buying kids cups, bottles and dishes.
4. Don't buy canned food. Eat fresh, healthy unadulterated food. These are lower in sodium, have no MSG and are full of vitamins anyway. Even frozen vegetables can be a great alternative. They are picked super ripe and fresh and frozen immediately, therefore preserving the vitamins and benefits.
Extra estrogen in the body can cause a whole host of health problems including weight gain, migraines, fluid retention, high blood pressure, fatigue, aging skin, thinning hair, fluid retention, PMS, low libido, muscle aches and pains, memory fogginess, fibroids, endometriosis, depression, fibrocystic breasts and miscarriage. The more serious, life-threatening conditions of estrogen excess are: reproductive cancers, strokes, blood clots, compromised immune system, toxic livers, gall bladder disease, auto-immune diseases (lupus, MS, rheumatoid arthritis), glucose intolerance, pancreatitis, and interfering with the uptake of thyroid hormones.♥ Both MEN and women can have to much estrogen and have these symptoms. If you have many or some of these symptoms there are things you can do. Avoid BPA, eat organic food (there are estrogen type chemicals in pesticides as well), loose weight (fat cells create even more estrogen) and avoid soy products (soy contains an estrogen like chemical). Those tips are a good start to controlling your estrogen related health problems.
Mar 11, 2010
Meal Planning for Better Health, Saving Money AND Weight Loss
A great habit to have is meal planning. Meal planning doesn't have to be set in stone. The point is to save money, not be rushing around to figure out what's for dinner, and always have a nice meal ready. If you plan really well you may even loose some weight.
1. Shop in your Pantry and Fridge FIRST.
Figure out what you already have to make a meal with. Frozen meat, bags of rice, beans or noodles.
2. Look at your favorite store's adds and see whats on sale.
If they have a sale on chicken legs, then plan a meal around that. Simple!
3. Take a piece of paper and start planning.
Plan the WHOLE meal, sides, sauces and all. Spend a little time flipping through cookbooks or searching online for recipes to go with the ingredients you already have, then start looking for things you want to make. Try finding recipes for your favorite take out food. Making it at home means you can control ingredients, portions and avoid things like trans fats and MSG.
4. Make your shopping list complete
Go through each recipe and make sure you have enough of each ingredient. This will keep you from buying too much of something that could spoil and keep you from going back to the store and buying "in the moment" items you don't really need. Like that candy bar that keeps calling your name...
Here is an example of what you should come up with. It is not only a shopping list but a meal guide for the rest of the week.
Meal 1
Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo with Broccoli and Fresh Bread Sticks with Garlic Butter.
Have: noodles, broccoli, yeast, flour, butter
Need: cream, parmesan (4 oz), head of garlic, chicken 1/2 lb breasts
Meal 2
Tuna Salad
Have: tuna, dressing,
Need: lettuce, green onions, wrappers
Meal 3
HLC Ginger Citrus Meatballs with Brown Rice and Vegetables
Have: rice, lemon/lime juice,
Need: ground turkey, garlic, broccoli, bell peppers, corn, tofu, cornstarch, soy sauce
Meal 4
Spicy Pursuits Pan Seared Tilapia with Hot Orange Ginger Sauce Brown Rice and Fresh Green Beans
Have: spices, vinegar, brown rice
Need: tilapia 1 lb, scallions, ginger, marmalade, orange juice, garlic, green beans
Meal 5
Soccer Night Pizza
Papa Francesco's $5 off coupon
Meal 6
Left overs
Meal 7
Dinner at Mom's
You can write this down however you like. You may not need to write what you already have, that is just an example. Notice I wrote down Garlic on each meal that it calls for, this will help me gauge how much I will need. Then take the Need items and add them to your shopping list. Make sure you always check to see if you have the basics like cooking oil, salt and flour.
If this seems a bit overwhelming for you just start with a couple of days. Don't try to tackle a whole week all at once.
Plan meals that will specifically fit a certain day. If you have to pick up the kids from a late soccer practice and have less time that evening allow a night for dinner out, or plan a meal from frozen ingredients that don't need to be thawed before cooking.
To save even more money, take the sale items at your grocery store and make them fit more then one meal. For example, if lean ground beef is on sale, buy 2 lbs and make meatballs one night and hamburgers another. You can also freeze half of it to use for a meal another week. Try not to make it too complicated if you are not a fabulous cook or don't have a lot of time. Skip the potatoes au gratin until Easter. Just make baked potatoes with cheese for the work week. Also, try not to take too much time planning. There is such a thing as over-planing, it can be overkill if you calculate exactly how much salt you will use or an exact poundage of meat. Keep it simple, flexible, healthy and remember to shop from your pantry first.
Check out Martha Stewart .com This site has an excellent recipe finder. You can search by ingredient.
1. Shop in your Pantry and Fridge FIRST.
Figure out what you already have to make a meal with. Frozen meat, bags of rice, beans or noodles.
2. Look at your favorite store's adds and see whats on sale.
If they have a sale on chicken legs, then plan a meal around that. Simple!
3. Take a piece of paper and start planning.
Plan the WHOLE meal, sides, sauces and all. Spend a little time flipping through cookbooks or searching online for recipes to go with the ingredients you already have, then start looking for things you want to make. Try finding recipes for your favorite take out food. Making it at home means you can control ingredients, portions and avoid things like trans fats and MSG.
4. Make your shopping list complete
Go through each recipe and make sure you have enough of each ingredient. This will keep you from buying too much of something that could spoil and keep you from going back to the store and buying "in the moment" items you don't really need. Like that candy bar that keeps calling your name...
Here is an example of what you should come up with. It is not only a shopping list but a meal guide for the rest of the week.
Meal 1
Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo with Broccoli and Fresh Bread Sticks with Garlic Butter.
Have: noodles, broccoli, yeast, flour, butter
Need: cream, parmesan (4 oz), head of garlic, chicken 1/2 lb breasts
Meal 2
Tuna Salad
Have: tuna, dressing,
Need: lettuce, green onions, wrappers
Meal 3
HLC Ginger Citrus Meatballs with Brown Rice and Vegetables
Have: rice, lemon/lime juice,
Need: ground turkey, garlic, broccoli, bell peppers, corn, tofu, cornstarch, soy sauce
Meal 4
Spicy Pursuits Pan Seared Tilapia with Hot Orange Ginger Sauce Brown Rice and Fresh Green Beans
Have: spices, vinegar, brown rice
Need: tilapia 1 lb, scallions, ginger, marmalade, orange juice, garlic, green beans
Meal 5
Soccer Night Pizza
Papa Francesco's $5 off coupon
Meal 6
Left overs
Meal 7
Dinner at Mom's
You can write this down however you like. You may not need to write what you already have, that is just an example. Notice I wrote down Garlic on each meal that it calls for, this will help me gauge how much I will need. Then take the Need items and add them to your shopping list. Make sure you always check to see if you have the basics like cooking oil, salt and flour.
If this seems a bit overwhelming for you just start with a couple of days. Don't try to tackle a whole week all at once.
Plan meals that will specifically fit a certain day. If you have to pick up the kids from a late soccer practice and have less time that evening allow a night for dinner out, or plan a meal from frozen ingredients that don't need to be thawed before cooking.
To save even more money, take the sale items at your grocery store and make them fit more then one meal. For example, if lean ground beef is on sale, buy 2 lbs and make meatballs one night and hamburgers another. You can also freeze half of it to use for a meal another week. Try not to make it too complicated if you are not a fabulous cook or don't have a lot of time. Skip the potatoes au gratin until Easter. Just make baked potatoes with cheese for the work week. Also, try not to take too much time planning. There is such a thing as over-planing, it can be overkill if you calculate exactly how much salt you will use or an exact poundage of meat. Keep it simple, flexible, healthy and remember to shop from your pantry first.
Check out Martha Stewart .com This site has an excellent recipe finder. You can search by ingredient.
Mar 10, 2010
Vitamin B12: Big Energy For Those Little Cells.
You may have seen those SUPER MEGA ENERGY B12 Packets at the store. If not you will probably notice them now. B12 doesn't give you instant energy. Things that give you instant or semi instant energy are drugs, carbohydrates, sugars and caffeine. (Caffeine is a drug and sugar is a carbohydrate) B12 gives you energy on a cellular level so to speak. B12 is necessary in the formation of red blood cells and also neurological function. So until your body has absorbed it and sent it to work in your cells you will not notice any change in energy. If you have a deficiency you will have low counts of abnormally large red blood cells, fatigue, nerve damage, numbness and tingling of the fingers, toes, cognitive changes, a sore tongue and loss of appetite.
Even if you have none of the above symptoms you can take a B12 supplement for extra energy. B12 will increase serotonin in the brain which may also help with your mood. So if you have problems with depression with no other clear reasons why, this may be a good option for you.
You can get mega doses of B12 in shots, or you can take capsules or sub-lingual tabs. The capsules aren't really the best option because the B12 can be destroyed in the stomach acid. Sub-lingual tabs go under the tongue and absorbed by the blood vessels in the mouth. They are a much better option then capsules. There are also sub-lingual drops. The shots are mostly for people with severe deficiencies. There are doctors that will give them to you just for energy, but some people experience nausea, headaches and joint pain after wards.
I think most people with low energy will have to change a lot more about their life style then just adding a supplement. It is a whole picture. I wish I could write a whole picture that would work for everyone but everyone is different and will have to find their own way. I hope HLC will help at least a few people in their search for better health.
Even if you have none of the above symptoms you can take a B12 supplement for extra energy. B12 will increase serotonin in the brain which may also help with your mood. So if you have problems with depression with no other clear reasons why, this may be a good option for you.
You can get mega doses of B12 in shots, or you can take capsules or sub-lingual tabs. The capsules aren't really the best option because the B12 can be destroyed in the stomach acid. Sub-lingual tabs go under the tongue and absorbed by the blood vessels in the mouth. They are a much better option then capsules. There are also sub-lingual drops. The shots are mostly for people with severe deficiencies. There are doctors that will give them to you just for energy, but some people experience nausea, headaches and joint pain after wards.
I think most people with low energy will have to change a lot more about their life style then just adding a supplement. It is a whole picture. I wish I could write a whole picture that would work for everyone but everyone is different and will have to find their own way. I hope HLC will help at least a few people in their search for better health.
Mar 2, 2010
Vitamin D3, Kicks the flu, and the blues.
Our bodies make all the vitamin D we need from the sun, if you live somewhere like Utah there is a good part of the year when you don't see the sun for weeks on end. It's depressing for one, and it can also make us more prone to get the flu. Even the swine Flu. Dr Oz mentions this on his site,
"Vitamin D is produced in the body during exposure to sunlight. During the winter we tend to get less exposure so vitamin D supplements are recommended. People who take vitamin D supplements have better luck avoiding the seasonal flu; there is no reason to think that it won't do the same for H1N1 virus. Flu outbreaks tend to occur in places where solar radiation is low."
"Vitamin D is produced in the body during exposure to sunlight. During the winter we tend to get less exposure so vitamin D supplements are recommended. People who take vitamin D supplements have better luck avoiding the seasonal flu; there is no reason to think that it won't do the same for H1N1 virus. Flu outbreaks tend to occur in places where solar radiation is low."
But, alas! Spring is coming! So get your self outside and take a walk, ride a bike, sit in the sun and make some vitamin D!
Now foods, Vitamin D-3 5,000 IU - 120 - Gels
Vitamin D-3 (1000IU) 180 sgels
Kirkland Vitamin D3 2000 IU - 600 Softgels
Now foods, Vitamin D-3 5,000 IU - 120 - Gels
Vitamin D-3 (1000IU) 180 sgels
Kirkland Vitamin D3 2000 IU - 600 Softgels
Feb 23, 2010
Asparagus Chicken with Mushrooms
"I am so glad that asparagus is in season again. My family loves asparagus, it is pretty much the only vegetable that my picky son would eat. In order to help him eat more vegetables, I created this healthy and tasty dish that he raves about how tasty vegetables can be..."Read more at Spicy Pursuits. |
Feb 15, 2010
Green, Not Mean, Allergen Killing, Steam Clean!
Steam cleaning machines are wonderful. They clean without harsh chemicals. They deodorize and sanitize. I love my steam cleaner to get that dirt and junk out of little crevices of appliances or the toilet seat hinges. It goes seamlessly from one room to the next. My kitchen floors no longer have that sticky feeling after moping and have never been cleaner. They are so clean you could eat off of them. My fridge is sparkling inside. My curtains are all wrinkle free and my car smells fresh again. I can not say enough about how great steam cleaners are. They do not do everything however. Don't have unrealistic expectations. When you clean something with a steam cleaner the dirt doesn't magically disappear. The steam knocks it loose and then you have to wipe it up with a cloth. Old stuck on stains likely wont be removed with the steam either. If you don't have one already I would highly recommend getting a great steam cleaner like a Steam Buggy or a Stanley Steamer. Don't bother with those small Shark cleaners. They don't hold enough steam to really get anything done. Did I mention you can sanitize your toothbrushes too? You can sanitize anything that can hold up to the heat. Baby toys, sinks, upholstery, bath poufs. You can clean jewelry and door knobs or mirrors and table tops.
If you have allergy's a steam cleaner is a must. The steam kills dust mites. You can use it on your pillows, mattresses, carpets and curtains. Killing mites and freshening the fabric. For a really healthy home get a steam cleaner! The McCullough and SteamFast have great ratings on Amazon and I love my Steam Buggy. Get one that will replace multiple cleaning implements in your house like the McCullough and Steamfast. So you will need a upholstery/floor brush with the cloth moping cover, and a steam jet nozzle at least. Most come standard with these accessories.
Great steam cleaner options:
McCulloch MC-1275 Heavy-Duty Steam Cleaner
McCulloch MC1246 Portable 1500-Watt Power Steam Cleaner
SteamFast SF-275 SteamMax Steam Cleaner
If you have allergy's a steam cleaner is a must. The steam kills dust mites. You can use it on your pillows, mattresses, carpets and curtains. Killing mites and freshening the fabric. For a really healthy home get a steam cleaner! The McCullough and SteamFast have great ratings on Amazon and I love my Steam Buggy. Get one that will replace multiple cleaning implements in your house like the McCullough and Steamfast. So you will need a upholstery/floor brush with the cloth moping cover, and a steam jet nozzle at least. Most come standard with these accessories.
Great steam cleaner options:
McCulloch MC-1275 Heavy-Duty Steam Cleaner
McCulloch MC1246 Portable 1500-Watt Power Steam Cleaner
SteamFast SF-275 SteamMax Steam Cleaner
Jan 11, 2010
You mean I can eat FAT?!
Yes you can!!! Now, hold your applause. Not all fats are created equally. That's right, there are good fats, bad fats and evil fats. Bad fats not only make you fat, but they aggravate your cells causing inflammation and they raise your bad cholesterol.
Saturated fats are the bad fats. They are solid at room temperature. They are not "evil" because you can eat them in moderation. Your body does produce cholesterol from saturated fats but we all need some cholesterol. Not all cholesterol is created equally either. There is bad and good cholesterol.
You will find saturated fats (named so because the molecules are "saturated" in hydrogen) in animal products such as whole milk, butter, cream, red meat, eggs, coconut, coconut oil, peanuts and avocados.
Unsaturated fats are the best fats for you. They are liquid at room temperature. Unsaturated fats will raise your good cholesterol, make you feel fuller, decrease your chance for heart disease and much more.
You will find unsaturated fats in cold pressed extra virgin olive oil, grains, almonds, canola oil and peanuts.
You may have noticed that peanuts are under both lists. Peanuts do have both fats and are still healthy for you! Should you go eat a truck load of peanuts??? No! But you should eat a few handfuls a week. Avocado's are high is saturated fat for a fruit, however they are still much lower than animal products and I would still recommend you eat them weekly. Not six a day. It's all about moderation with fats and eating a lot more of the good fats.
Trans fats, the evil fat. Trans fats are processed fats. That means they were made in a beaker in a lab (they can also occur when you burn your oil). Never, ever eat trans fats. They are so evil in fact, that they raise your bad cholesterol and lower your good cholesterol. They wreak havoc on your cells and create inflammation. Inflamed cells are sad cells that cause you pain and suffering. Trans fats also make you fat! So please, for the love of Pete, do not eat them. You can find trans fats in anything with hydrogenated oils. Even if the packaging says that it has "0 trans fats" it may have .99 of a gram of it and they are still allowed to say it has "0 grams". It is best to read the labels and stay away from anything with hydrogenated anything in it.
There are 2 kinds of cholesterol.
Bad cholesterol: LDL Limit Saturated fats and banish trans fats.
Good cholesterol: HDL Eat more mono-unsaturated fats to raise your good cholesterol.
Here is your grocery store and dieting cheat sheet to fats:
Unsaturated fats, (Mono and Poly Unsaturated.) Vegetation sources of fats. Raises good cholesterol, prevents heart disease. Decreases cell inflammation.
Saturated fats, animal and dairy sources. Raises bad cholesterol, contributes to heart disease.
Trans fats, anything with hydrogenated oils. Lowers good cholesterol and raises bad cholesterol. Aggravates cell inflammation.
Saturated fats are the bad fats. They are solid at room temperature. They are not "evil" because you can eat them in moderation. Your body does produce cholesterol from saturated fats but we all need some cholesterol. Not all cholesterol is created equally either. There is bad and good cholesterol.
You will find saturated fats (named so because the molecules are "saturated" in hydrogen) in animal products such as whole milk, butter, cream, red meat, eggs, coconut, coconut oil, peanuts and avocados.
Unsaturated fats are the best fats for you. They are liquid at room temperature. Unsaturated fats will raise your good cholesterol, make you feel fuller, decrease your chance for heart disease and much more.
You will find unsaturated fats in cold pressed extra virgin olive oil, grains, almonds, canola oil and peanuts.
You may have noticed that peanuts are under both lists. Peanuts do have both fats and are still healthy for you! Should you go eat a truck load of peanuts??? No! But you should eat a few handfuls a week. Avocado's are high is saturated fat for a fruit, however they are still much lower than animal products and I would still recommend you eat them weekly. Not six a day. It's all about moderation with fats and eating a lot more of the good fats.
Trans fats, the evil fat. Trans fats are processed fats. That means they were made in a beaker in a lab (they can also occur when you burn your oil). Never, ever eat trans fats. They are so evil in fact, that they raise your bad cholesterol and lower your good cholesterol. They wreak havoc on your cells and create inflammation. Inflamed cells are sad cells that cause you pain and suffering. Trans fats also make you fat! So please, for the love of Pete, do not eat them. You can find trans fats in anything with hydrogenated oils. Even if the packaging says that it has "0 trans fats" it may have .99 of a gram of it and they are still allowed to say it has "0 grams". It is best to read the labels and stay away from anything with hydrogenated anything in it.
There are 2 kinds of cholesterol.
Bad cholesterol: LDL Limit Saturated fats and banish trans fats.
Good cholesterol: HDL Eat more mono-unsaturated fats to raise your good cholesterol.
Here is your grocery store and dieting cheat sheet to fats:
Unsaturated fats, (Mono and Poly Unsaturated.) Vegetation sources of fats. Raises good cholesterol, prevents heart disease. Decreases cell inflammation.
Saturated fats, animal and dairy sources. Raises bad cholesterol, contributes to heart disease.
Trans fats, anything with hydrogenated oils. Lowers good cholesterol and raises bad cholesterol. Aggravates cell inflammation.
Jan 7, 2010
Walking has so many health benefits. It can help you loose weight, ease depression, curb your appetite and get you places! The left hand, right foot, right hand, left foot action stimulates both sides of the brain. Walking also releases endorphins for a great mood pick-me-up. If you walk for 30 minutes or more a day, it can definitely help you loose weight. Especially if you walk briskly and up and down inclines. Running can be really hard on your joints and can cause you to release adrenaline. Adrenaline can cause hardening of arteries overtime. Walking does the opposite, it calms, relaxes, releases happy hormones and keeps you fit. Here are some articles on the benefits of walking.
Happy walking!
Jan 5, 2010
When I was about 24 I developed a severe case of vertigo and let me tell you, it was awful. One of the worst things I have ever dealt with. If you have ever suffered with a severe or mild case, you know what I am talking about. I was dizzy all the time, REAL dizziness and it was worse when I would lie down, so that didn't help. My ears rang constantly and felt more plugged than I have ever experienced. I walked leaning sideways...usually to the left which caused me to run into walls and doors frequently. I couldn't drive, I couldn't even stand to be in a moving car. It went on for weeks and weeks. I saw a doctor about it but he didn't think I had vertigo because I told him I was having a hard time grasping pencils and doorknobs. I knew he was wrong...go spin around and around then try to use your motor skills and tell me it isn't a little more than difficult...PLUS I had EVERY vertigo symptom in the book. Since then I have mild spouts of vertigo every now and then. Here is an exercise I do that really helps. It also helped to finally break up the vertigo I was having then too. I would suggest you try it even if you are unsure if you are having vertigo or dizziness from something else, like an inner ear infection etc. You will want somebody to help you that can watch a clock for you and tell you when it is time to "roll". Lie on your back, flat on the floor with your face pointing up towards the ceiling. Have your helper time you in this position for one FULL minute. When the minute is up, have your helper let you know by saying something like, "roll" "ok" "over" or whatever you choose. Now, turn your HEAD ONLY to the right but keep your body laying flat on its back. Hold your head in this position for one FULL minute again. When your helper says "ok" roll your face flat onto the floor and your body onto its belly. If you do not like your face in your floor, use a blanket. Again, hold here for one minute. When this minute is done, turn your HEAD ONLY to the RIGHT again, but leave your body on its belly. When this minute is through, roll your body back onto its back with your face facing upwards once again. Repeat this WHOLE pattern for THREE full body rolls. Holding a minute each. Each body roll will amount to 4 minutes, so 12 minutes total. Once you have completed this, do the EXACT same thing again but this time you will roll your head and your body to the LEFT. The entire exercise takes over 20 minutes. This will help the little inner ear bones to align better helping to or completely relieve the dizziness. It helps me every time. Good luck!
Jan 3, 2010
Apple Cider Vinegar or ACV
LOVE THE STUFF! It is an amazing, natural product that fulfills a lot of needs. First of all, I am not talking about the cheap stuff you buy at any store. I am talking about the raw, unfiltered type that still maintains the "mother" of the vinegar, all the good old natural parts that have not been filtered out through processing or heating. My favorite brand is called Bragg. You can find it in many health food stores and even some typical grocery type stores carry it, you just have to look around. It is more pricey than some cheap brand but hey, you get what you pay for and it is like the difference between buying yourself a dollar store doll or a real name brand Barbie...I pick the Barbie LOL. So, what is it good for? I will share what I have used it for with great results...but there is also loads and loads of uses listed online you can look into as well.
First, a beauty tip using Bragg ACV. Now, this one is tough but the benefits are SO worth it. I started drinking 1 Tablespoon of Bragg ACV every morning. It has been a health product for many years for many reasons so I thought I would try it. Here is what I discovered after only 3 days on it. For myself personally, my skin was AMAZING and I mean it. No joke, it was SO clear and SO bright and just looked a lot younger. After some research I found it contains some anti-aging properties and boy does it! Next, I noticed I had NO MORE heartburn which is a constant problem for me. I took it every morning and NO heartburn throughout the all. It is also supposed to be good for heartburn and boy was it truly! It is not the best tasting stuff and it really has a kick. I mixed it with a little apple juice every morning and just drank it down as fast as I could. It is what a really strong apple ale might taste like in my personal opinion and pretty nasty...but it was only two or three swallows worth and I found the benefits worth it. I also have found 1 tsp of honey mixed with 1 tsp of Bragg ACV warmed and swallowed is really quite a good cough suppressant.
The next thing I like using the ACV for is cleaning. It works great as a cleaner on counters and floors and in your bathroom. Just use it straight, no diluting, in a spray bottle and let it evaporate back into the air after you are done cleaning with it.
Last but surely not least, I use it on my horses hooves. It is a great antifungal and kills the thrush in the hoof very well when an infection is present. With all of that said, I would recommend giving it a try! Read up on its uses and maybe you will find something it does for you that really works! I love the stuff and always have some on hand.
Jan 2, 2010
Healthy Sleep Habits
Sleep is important to being healthy. I don't think most people realize how important. Lack of sleep can contribute to weight gain and hormonal problems, not to mention grouchiness. The same is true for our little ones. (Men, Don't stop reading just because you don't think the child rearing isn't up to you... If you want a happy, healthy wife and mother of your children you will want to share this with her.) I once lived next to this strange couple who would put their baby to bed at around 6:00PM. They swore that they just put him in his bed and he would go to sleep by himself and sleep all night... Same for naps. They would just put him in his crib and leave the room. No crying, no rocking, just a happily obliging baby would lie down and sleep. I asked them how this was possible. I had no kids of my own at the time but knew this wasn't normal. They said they read and followed a book called Healthy Sleep Habits: Happy Child. (by Marc Weissbluth) I never wrote down the name of the book, I just remembered it years later when I was pregnant with my first. I read it while I was pregnant and thought the ideas were sound. You can't really do anything about a baby's sleep habits the first 3 months of life. But around 3-4 months you can start implementing the directions in the book and 2 out of 2 times it has worked for me! My 4 month old baby goes to sleep all by himself at nap time and bed time. He sleeps a 7 hour stretch at night and then another 4 hour stretch in the morning plus 3, 1-2 hour naps during the day. My oldest did the same. Guess what! They sleep longer and longer until they are about 2 years old. This is why I have time to sit down and write coherent blog posts. LOL. You can literally buy this book online for $1 plus S+H. So, what do you have to lose but some quality time with your baby, listening to them scream and cry when you both should be sleeping?!
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